Friday, September 21, 2012

Graduation day is fast approaching!


  I realized today that it has been a month since my last post. So I thought I'd better update everyone on all that has been going on. I can't believe Amelia has already had the band on for seven weeks. It seemed like it took forever to get the diagnosis and start the process of banding her and now we're already at the tail end of her adjustments.

   Well, in the weeks since my last post I redecorated her helmet. One little speck of dirt caused me to have to redo the entire thing. I started to pick off the corner and before I knew it there was unstoppable peeling. I have learned my lesson since and I actually ended up liking the second design better. Here is the new design.

    Amelia has made tremendous progress and her head is much more round than it used to be. She still has two weeks left and one more adjustment. Because we drive from quite a distance, they are going to combine her final adjustment and her exit visit together in one appointment. They are going to do the DSi procedure scans again and we get to look at the changes that have taken place. I'm very excited to see how visible the changes are side by side!
    I will say however, that her head is still not completely round and won't ever be.  The top of her head still slopes to the left and her face is still slightly asymmetrical, BUT (and it's a big but) the changes are astounding and we don't regret for a second going through the effort. Her jaw looks great and that was our biggest concern. Plus you really have to stare at her face and know what to look for to see the asymmetry. she'll also grow hair on her head at some point which will make the "sloping" a non-issue.

These pics are so cute! The ipad really needs to have a better camera. The first one is on the way home from our appointment last week and the second is of all three of my girls having fun. Paige is the oldest, Emma is the one with hair covering her face and of course, you know Amelia.
I'll write another post next week after her appointment. Bye for now :)