Amelia has been adapting very well to life with her band. She doesn't seem to be bothered at all that she has it on. In fact, she seems crankier on her one hour a day break than she does at any other time of day. I don't know if her crankiness stems from me taking off the band, her nightly bath or her trying to roll over to the coffee table and banging her head without the added protection of the band as a buffer. Whatever the reason, the "on" time is much more pleasant. All my fears about not being able to manage her while wearing the band and the complications I thought it would cause really hasn't happened at all.
The stares Amelia's been receiving in public have been interesting to say the least. I think the decorations help, but people don't know quite how to ask why she's wearing the band. I have had a couple people comment on how cute it looked on her and I could tell that they wanted to ask what was wrong with her but can't quite figure out how to phrase it in a polite way. A woman serving in our church nursery was sooo relieved when I told her what the band was for. She thought something horrible had happened to Amelia. The few people who have asked have been very nice and I like being able to educate them about plagiocephaly. The freakiest thing is that random strangers come up to her and call her by name. I keep forgetting that I put her name on the front of the band and I freak out for a half a second before realizing why they know it.
Wednesday was Amelia's second adjustment appointment. I was excited because it was the first one that I got to go to. They have a mold of her head and they compare it to her head now. It's amazing to see that her little noggin is already starting to change. The right side has already begun to fill in. It's so encouraging to see that kind of progress!
Just wanted you to know how adorable your little girl is! I think it is wonderful that you are blogging about her/your experience. I think blogging really helps and you won't believe how fast it goes by! I also blogged about my son's journey ( I hope your page is able to help many other moms and dads who are facing the prospect of their child having to wear a DOC band. Enjoy the journey...and take lots of pictures because there will be a day when you miss seeing her in her band because she looked so cute! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! It's so nice to hear from other parents who have shared this whole experince. You are so right about time going by fast. Your son is also very adorable :)