The Dsi appointment was pretty cool. The Dsi stands for digital surface imaging and the equipment looked like it came straight out of a scifi movie. I posted a picture from Crainal Tech's site so you can get an idea of what it looks like. Basically, the baby sits on the stool held up by a clinician and the machine takes digital images of the skull. To accomplish this, Amelia had to wear a stocking over her head to completely smooth the surface. She did not like the stocking over her face and decided she was not going to cooperate with the process at all. She pushed with all her strength and fought both myself and the poor woman holding her. At last we gave her a pacifier under the stocking and she was good to go. She looked like a little baby bank robber :) Once the images were taken they sent them to the lab to make her band and we were off to Cracker Barrel for breakfast.
Our next appointment was August 1st. We arrived at the office around 9am. The appointment lasted about an hour. They had to check to make sure the band wasn't irritating her skin. Barb, the clinician shaved down a few spots and we waited for Amelia to become comfortable with the band while we went over a list of instructions. All was well and we headed home. Of course we stopped by Cracker Barrel for lunch again, Emma insisted on it.
We were instructed to take the band off every three hours for the first two days, clean it with rubbing alcohol and check for red spots lasting for more than a few hours.The first two days she reacted great to the band. I, of course took the off period opportunities to decorate it with stickers and Mod Podge :)
After the first two days of 3 hour checks, she needs to wear the band 23 hours a day. Friday was her first full day and unfortunately, when I took the band off around 6pm to wash it and bathe her, I noticed that her skin had rubbed of in parts on the back of her head. We had to take off the band for the rest of the weekend and see what they say to do when I call first thing tomorrow.
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